How to track campaign finances of Pennsylvania's federal and state candidates
We provide a resource to help you see what candidates raise, spend
We gathered information about campaign finance deadlines and where to find the reports for this election year.
Federal campaign expense report deadlines
April quarterly: close of books 03/31/2022; deadline 4/15/2022
July quarterly: close of books 06/30/2022; deadline 7/15/2022
October quarterly: close of books 09/30/2022; deadline 10/15/202
Pre-general election: close of books 10/19/2022; deadline 10/27/2022
Post-general election: close of books 11/28/2022; deadline 12/08/2022
Year-end 2022: close of books 12/31/2022; deadline 1/31/2023
State campaign expense report deadlines
6th Tuesday pre-primary: close of books 3/28/22; deadline 4/5/2022
2nd Friday pre-primary: Close of books 5/2/2022; deadline 5/6/2022
24-hour reporting (daily): starts 5/3/2022 through 5/17/2022
30-day post-primary: close of books 6/6/22; deadline 6/16/2022
6th Tuesday pre-election: close of books 9/19/2022; deadline 9/27/2022
2nd Friday pre-election: close of books 10/24/2022; deadline 10/28/2022
24-hour reporting: begins 10/25/2022; deadline 11/8/2022
30-day post-election: close of books 11/28/2022; deadline 12/8/2022
2022 annual report: close of books 12/31/2022; deadline 1/31/2023
You can find campaign finance reports for U.S. House and Senate candidates from Pennsylvania at the Federal Elections Commission. The FEC also has a collection of reports for the 7th District congressional candidates, Republicans Lisa Scheller and Kevin Dellicker and Democratic incumbent Susan Wild. You can review their 2021 year-end reports here.
To see how much money Pennsylvania House and Senate candidates have raised and spent, you can visit the Pennsylvania Department of State website section for campaign finance reports.