Last chance to donate to our NewsMatch fundraising campaign
Make your contribution before December 31, 2023, to have your gift tripled
Dear Armchair Lehigh Valley readers,
We hope you had a wonderful holiday with friends and family. We know how hectic this season can be, so we are sending one final note to remind you that the last day to donate to our fundraising campaign and have your gift matched is December 31, 2023.
We are grateful for everyone who has contributed so far. Thanks to your overwhelming support we were able to increase our fundraising goal twice. Now we are hoping to end the year with a total of $6,000 raised. Since every donation is tripled through the NewsMatch campaign, we could bring in at least $18,000 for the year.
Whether you donate or not, we appreciate your ongoing support and readership. Our mission is to provide free, unbiased coverage of elections in Northampton and Lehigh counties so voters can feel informed when they cast their ballots. With congressional and state legislative races on the ticket in 2024, the money raised from this campaign will allow us to hire freelancers and ensure we report on every candidate and contest that concerns Lehigh Valley residents.
Thank you again for being a vital part of our community. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year!
Katherine Reinhard & Robert Orenstein,
Co-directors and co-founders of Armchair Lehigh Valley